Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Wisdom & Wordless Wednesday: "A change is as good as a rest"

For me September has always signified new beginnings, the start of a new school and academic year, the onset of the change of seasons taking us into Autumn. It is a time which represents a fresh start; therefore, I thought this might be a good time to change the look of my blog.

The focus and content will remain dedicated to family history research and writing. The background and the colours are changed, and usually only the current post will appear. As my dad used to say, "a change is as good as a rest". Please let me know what you think of the new design; I'd really appreciate feedback.

In honour of the change this post features photos of one of my favourite places on earth, the Cliffs of Moher, County Clare, Ireland. So, with a little bit of wisdom from my dad, and photos which require no words here is my first post on the new background.



    And, the photos, OUTSTANDING, I can see why you love the Cliffs. WOW!!

  2. Gosh, what beautiful photgraphs. Just looking at them I can hear the waves, and feel the ocean air in my lungs ...

  3. Expansive, breath-taking, beautiful!!!

  4. Jenn, so beautiful, I love the new background!!

    Welcome back, we have missed you.


  5. Stunning photos and a great new look for the blog!

  6. I'm liking the new look blog, Jen :-)

  7. Hi Everyone! Thanks so much for the comments. I'm very glad you like the new look. Cheers! Jennifer

  8. The photos are beyond beautiful. I can see why this is your favorite place. I love the new background. It makes one just sigh and relax (at least it does me).

  9. What can I say that the others have not already said? Stunning!


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Any comments that include URLs not connected to the post topic, contain misinformation, or in any way resemble advertising, will be removed. Comments submitted by ‘Unknown’ or ‘Anonymous’ persons will not be published.

Cheers, Jennifer