Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Back home, a little worse for wear, but with all technical problems ironed out

Hello Everyone,

I hope that life has been good for all of you over these last three weeks. I am back home, exhausted, but feeling as though my trip was a great success, for the most part. Unfortunately, I had major computer problems (my logic board died). Having two external hard drives, as well as a 'cloud', for backup is not of much comfort when you are 3500 miles away from home and you cannot get material onto your laptop at all.

Repairs have been done, and now when I reboot, happily I hear the purring of the hard drive and see the little Apple symbol instead of silence and a black screen. Today I was finally able to successfully download documents, and approximately 2300 photos from my cameras. All that is left to do is some major organizing. I'm ready to get back to work, and will make a fresh start tomorrow.

Cheers! Jennifer

1 comment:

  1. 2300 Photos, that sounds like a busy 3 weeks. Sorry to hear about your computer, but, glad your trip was so successful. Cannot wait to read all about it and see some of those fab photos!


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Cheers, Jennifer