Tuesday, September 28, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday: In a churchyard in Swords Village...

In St. Colmcille's Churchyard, Swords Village, Fingal, just north of Dublin City, lie many graves of those connected to the matrilineal side of my family tree. In the post entitled "The magic of research after midnight..."(*click to view the post), I shared my excitement over having documented these graves, and in particular this grave which lies at the back corner of the church in the oldest part of the cemetery. Within it are entombed the mortal remains of my maternal great-great-great grandparents, Thomas Kettle and Alice O'Kavanaugh Kettle, and their daughter, my maternal great-great grandmother, Mary Kettle Fitzpatrick.

To the memory of
of Drynam,
who died 22nd September 1871
 aged 72 years
And his beloved wife ALICE who died
24 September 1855 aged 55 years
  Also their beloved daughter
who died 23rd April 1871 aged 39 years.

To view the grave of Mary Fitzpatrick's very famous brother Andrew J. Kettle visit 'Over thy dead body'

*Click on the photographs to view a larger version.
All materials ©Copyright J. Geraghty-Gorman 2010

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