Friday, September 24, 2010

Fizzy Friday: A sunny day off in Dublin wandering around St. Stephen's Green

No doubt you've heard the saying "all work, and no play, makes Jack a dull boy"; well, I changed it a bit while I was in Dublin to "all work, and no play, makes Jenn a dull girl". I took the liberty of enjoying a Friday with no work, just strolling around, taking photos, and soaking up the sun in St. Stephen's Green.

Established in 1664 and redesigned in 1880, "the Green" offers a glorious respite in the center of Dublin at the foot of Grafton Street. At only 22 acres it is considerably smaller than its 1,750 acre sister, Phoenix Park, but if you need a break from the noise and bustle of the city center, it is the perfect spot. Here are a few shots to give you a sense of the place; I hope you enjoy them. As usual, click on the photos to view a larger version. Cheers! Jennifer

Street sign on the north side of the green
Approaching the west end of the lake
View from the Summer House
A park map (in the shade)
Fountain in the Victorian Floral Gardens
Victorian Floral Gardens
The stone bridge
A view from the stone bridge
On the north side of the green a spot to water your horse...
...or yourself
A horse and carriage, in case you need a lift

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