Friday, July 2, 2010

Follow Friday: The English Kitchen

On Monday I came upon this blog, and honestly cannot tell you how I found it, but I did. It's not a Genealogy blog, but I thought I would share it with our family history community because food plays a major role in so many family gatherings. In my own family, food features prominently at both weddings and funerals, not to mention Christmas, Thanksgiving, birthdays, anniversaries, promotions, and pretty much any other sort of celebration.

Written by Canadian ex-patriot Marie Alice Joan Rayner,
'The English Kitchen' is a feast for the senses. Rayner moved to England from Canada in 2000 armed with, in her words, "a bulging suitcase full of kitchen tools, handwritten recipes and a 4 litre can of Maple Syrup, totally prepared to be greeted with the worst." She discovered to her delight that, "most of what I had heard was totally and completely wrong! Here in the UK we have some of the best poultry, meats, fishes, ingredients and produce in the world, and some of the most innovative chefs."

Marie Alice Joan shares recipes and beautiful photographs about food, delicious, gorgeous food. I hope you'll stop by and have a look. Just be prepared for your taste buds to tingle.

The English Kitchen can be found at:

1 comment:

  1. Okay, I had to bookmark her blog. Oh my! The first thing I saw was Chocolate! I hope to have more time to explore her recipes later.
    Thanks for sharing.


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