Thursday, June 24, 2010

Treasure Chest Thursday: Old photos found

The other day I came across a little grey box I hadn't seen in some time. Inside, to my delight, I discovered these little photos which I had forgotten I had. They were taken in a photo booth at the Dublin Airport when I was thirteen. Our flight home to Canada was delayed, and then cancelled because of mechanical problems. Our family, including lots of aunts, uncles and cousins were in the airport for almost twelve hours. I was really happy about the delay because it meant I had more time with my Irish cousins. Several of us went off in search of something to do and found an old photo booth. The photos feature my cousins Angela and Eithne, their friend Veronica, and me. Finding the ones with just my cousin Angela and me are very special to me now because Angela died from cancer a couple of years ago.
Clockwise: Eithne is 6 o'clock; Angela is nine; Veronica is 12, and I am 3.
Angela, on the left, and me


  1. What a great FUN FUN FUN find! Thanks for sharing!

  2. Great Photos! They brought a smile to my face. Thanks for sharing!

  3. What positively joyful photos! I hope you were able to spend time with your cousins again later.

  4. Your photos bring back such joyous memories of being a giggly teen-aged girl! Thank you for sharing, and I'm so sorry about your cousin, Angela.


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