Wednesday, October 8, 2014

Wordless Wednesday, almost: As Autumn comes to Dublin City...

Along the paths of Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park, Dublin.
The pumpkin patch in the Farmleigh House gardens.
As Autumn comes to Dublin City, the changes the season brings always get me thinking about my ancestors and what their lives may have been like as one season moved into another. As the cooler weather of Autumn draws down over Dublin, I think about those who would have been bringing in the last of the harvest, while others might have been buffeting their cottages against the bitter winds which the coming winter would bring in from the sea.

In the streets of the metropolis Dublin, I imagine the long skirts of female ancestors sweeping through fallen leaves along the footpaths, and picture the gentlemen's hats being whipped by the wind. The clatter of an ancestor's carriage wheels rolling over damp cobblestone roads plays in my mind, while the scent of burning wood catches my nose, as I envision a scriber ancestor etching words into the side of a Jameson whiskey barrel.

In Phoenix Park with the Wellington Monument peeking through the ever changing leaves of the trees.


  1. These are beautiful photographs, Jennifer. I am like you: I think about my ancestors so often when I do everyday activities. I just wish I could jump back in time to see firsthand for a while.

    1. Thanks very much for your comments Nancy! I'm with you; if only we jump back in time...sigh


  2. Beautiful colours! And you paint pictures with your words. I feel like I can see your ancestors walking and working.

    1. Thanks very much for your comments Charlotte! I'm glad my words bring my ancestors to mind for you.



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