Wednesday, January 8, 2014

Wordless Wednesday, almost: 'Earth and Sky'

Seems a lot of people are suffering through bad weather of late, with terrible winter storms in Ireland, and a deep freeze in parts of North America, so on this almost wordless Wednesday I am journeying back to October of 2013, and Autumn days in Ireland.

The autumnal weather, with more frequent rain and the vacillation between warm days and cool, plays with the light and colour of the land, creating a beautiful canvas. So too, I find the bracing breezes of the Fall make me feel glad to be alive, and the landscape makes me feel deeply connected to the past. I hope you enjoy this journey I call 'Earth and Sky', and that viewing these peaceful settings brings warmth your way.

Walking toward the sea near Portmarnock, North County Dublin.
Looking toward Lambay Island, Dublin.
The donkey sanctuary at Farmleigh House, Phoenix Park, Dublin.
A couple of the sanctuary's guests, having a feed and enjoying the sun.
Looking out from the summit of Howth Head, Dublin.


  1. Beautiful, peaceful views Jennifer? I hope you're getting on okay with the Deep Freeze outside the door.

    1. Thanks very much for your comments Pauleen. We're feeling a bit guilty here, since we live in the hook of the lake and are sheltered by an escarpment, so we've escaped the very worst of the deep freeze which has befallen those in the north-eastern U.S., as well as those north and east of us. Still in all, it is colder than we are accustomed to, so we'd rather be in Ireland.


  2. That first image is gorgeous but it makes me feel sad. Like the donkeys too.

    1. Thanks for your comments Charlotte. I'm glad you like the photos, but sorry the first one makes you feel sad. I like the donkeys too; they seem very sweet and calm.



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