Wednesday, November 20, 2013

Wordless Wednesday, almost: Commemorating the 1913 Dublin Lockout

Dominating Eden quay in Dublin, Ireland, on the sixteen story SIPTU Liberty Hall building, this 50 metre high wrap of banners commemorates the lockout of 1913. The work of artists Robert Ballagh and Cathy Henderson, this beautiful tapestry instantly draws your eye down the quays from O'Connell Street, successfully keeping the lockout at the forefront of memory.

To read about the history of the 1913 Lockout, and to find out about the artists who created the tapestry, visit:
Lockout 1913

Click on images to view larger versions.


  1. Those words echo very true today, people could learn from that time if only they would

    1. Thanks for your comment Bill. I agree with you. This seems like yet another period in history from which we could learn, but have not.


  2. What an interesting way to display history. Do you know how long it will be there?

    1. Thanks for your comment Pat. I don't know how long the banners are to remain on the building. The lockout lasted until January of 1914, so I would imagine it will stay up until at least January 2014. For a while there have been plans afoot to renovate the very ugly building underneath the banners, so perhaps they will keep the banners until then.



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