Sunday, March 10, 2013

Oh, I love technology, except when I don't...

This isn't a rant. Honest! It is just an update with an apology to anyone who tried to send either a comment to this blog, or an email via gmail to me, on Thursday 7 March. My new internet provider (insert name of big conglomerate here), who bought my old smaller dependable internet provider, "inadvertently caused delay and deletion in error". They keep sending me apology emails with listings of the subject matter of what they deleted, but can offer nothing more. So far, they are up to 14 inadvertent deletions.

So... my apologies to anyone who sent a comment or a message and is wondering why I have not replied. Please send it again, if you feel so inclined. Apparently the idiots are now running the asylum, so stay tuned, I have a feeling I may see the words 'inadvertent deletion' show up again.

Also on the technology front, I have closed my Twitter account for now. Once again, for what is the umpteenth time — I love that word 'umpteenth' — my Twitter account was hacked. Twitter sends me those lovely emails telling me I am part of that segment of their population whose accounts "may have been compromised by a website or service not associated with Twitter". Despite the fact that I use very strong passwords, and change them regularly, in January I was hacked twice, and received a lot of email from annoyed Twitter followers telling me I'd been hacked. Again on Friday, the same thing happened, so for now, at least until Twitter solves their security issues, this bird is keeping her beak shut on Twitter.


Image credit: Google images, and also to Carol at Reflections From the Fence, who I know can relate to technology issues.


  1. Good grief!

    And, I do love that graphic (seems I have used it once or twice myself on my blog in techy rants. SIGH)

    Good luck, I find myself asking, and WHY do I love this techy stuff??

    OHHH, Have to say, glad I never got the bird byte, err, bite, errr, addiction. At least for me, that is one less thing to fuss with. SIGHHH

    1. Sigh indeed!!! I tried to reply to you on Google Plus, but there was a technical issue. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhh

      As soon as I had these troubles I thought of you and that image. Twitter is good for networking but with all the annoyance it's not worth it. Not missing it so far.

      SIGH SIGH.

      Still love technology though :):) maybe


  2. Which is why I got a message from you on my Twitter account. I can understand closing it for the upteenth time.

    1. You and 277 other people. Sorry about that. No more Twitter for now.


  3. Oh, no! And after seeing your swan song on sorry to hear this. You need a technology-free-zone vacation. May I suggest a remote tropical island?

    1. Thanks Jacqi! Definitely not my swan song, just off Twitter, for now. If I gave up technology I'd have to quit work too. A remote tropical island? Definitely not my cup of tea.


  4. Couldn't agree more...great when it works :-)

    1. Thanks Pauleen! To top it all off, in the last week we've had a couple of 'brown-outs' at the university and in our home neighbourhood, so Jacqi's tropical island is looking pretty good right now.



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