Wednesday, April 25, 2012

Wordless Wednesday, almost: In the Crypt of Christ Church Cathedral, Dublin

The crypt of Christ Church Cathedral in Dublin is the largest of its kind, not only in Ireland, but in the entire geographic entity which is the British Isles. You enter the crypt through the massive door pictured below. The crypt was renovated in 2000 so that it could be opened to tourists. Unfortunately at that time they also chose to put in a small café, souvenir shop and tuck shop. It is oddly off-putting to be viewing a family tomb while someone noshes on pastry at a table nearby. A large number of pot lights were also installed which makes photography more of a challenge. Nonetheless, it is a thoroughly beautiful and interesting place.

The two statues are the oldest known secular statues still extant in Ireland.
The coat of arms is carved entirely out of wood.
The statues once stood outside of Dublin's Medieval City Hall which was demolished in 1806.

Visit my other blog  'Over thy dead body' to view a genealogist's dream tombstone from the crypt of Christ Church Cathedral.

Visit the Christ Church Cathedral Website for a complete history and timeline of the church.

Click on photographs to view larger version.

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