Wednesday, March 7, 2012

Wordless Wednesday, almost: Mo Éire, My Ireland: a blogiversary celebration

Thank goodness for people such as Thomas MacEntee of GeneaBloggers and Shelley Bishop of A Sense of Family, otherwise I would have gone through yesterday blissfully unaware that this blog is now Two Years Old (two years and one day). Guess that means I am now in my terrible twos.  So now with not a tantrum in sight, and in celebration of the second birthday of 'On a flesh and bone foundation': An Irish History, please enjoy this photo retrospective.  For me these images taken on my travels throughout Ireland represent all that I love about Mo Éire, My Ireland.


  1. Congratulations Jennifer. Look forward to another year of posts on Irish family history.

  2. Hi Pauleen,

    Thanks very much for your good wishes; they are much appreciated.


  3. Happy Blogiversary! A wonderful two years of photos, prose, history lessons and awe. Thank you!

  4. Happy 2 Years & Many more to Come! Love to read your blog.

  5. Hi Carol and Colleen,

    Thanks to each one of you for your good wishes! This should mean I get to eat cake. Hmm.


  6. Love the slideshow and music, Jennifer. Congratulations and best wishes--and by all means, eat cake! Thanks for the mention :)

  7. Hi Shelley,

    Thanks so much for your comments; I really appreciate them. Thanks for the mention on your blog:)



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