Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dublin Streetscapes

Okay, I admit it, I'm a gawker.  I love to look at places, and at people and things that pass by, especially in Dublin.  I don't know what it is about the place, but it seems so full of possibility that I just have to drink in every sight.  Guess I'm back to the little sponge allusion again.  Also, I like the idea of travelling along the same streets my ancestors once walked.  Here are a few Dublin City streetscapes that I captured in September.  I hope you enjoy them.

Looking back at Christchurch Cathedral.
Where Leinster Street meets Parliament.
Through the gate on Marlborough Street.
Off North Brunswick Street in Stoneybatter.
As Dame Street turns into Cork Hill.
Looking toward the Wellington Monument in Phoenix Park.

Click on photographs to view larger version.
All photographs Copyright©irisheyesjg2012. All Rights Reserved.


  1. Jennifer, what I really want to do is sit with you and ask you questions about each of the photographs. I want to know about the smells and sounds of the city; the businesses in the buildings on Linster/Parliament and Dame Street/Cork Hill. I want to hear all about the cathedral. It looks huge and beautiful and marvelous. And look at the street lamp in that photo. Charming! And what about the wool merchant? Can you buy wool and/or whole fleeces there? I also want to hear the accents of the people of Dublin. I like your photos!

  2. As always, stunning. But, I have to ask, that last photo, a reflection?? in the clouds?? or, is it that I have not had my coffee yet?? I see a bridge and a steeple up there??

  3. Hi Nancy, and Hi Carol,

    Thanks to each one of you for your comments; I really appreciate them.

    Nancy, you're a woman after my own heart. One thing that keeps me going when I return home, and am missing Dublin, is thinking about the smells and the sounds of the city. Christchurch Cathedral is very beautiful inside and out, and I have a LOT of photos which I hope to post in the near future (not all at once of course). I'm glad you noticed the street lamp. I'm a big fan of those too. Unfortunately, the woollen mill in Stoneybatter is no longer a woollen mill, but the building is still occupied by businesses, including a Yoga and Pilates studio.


    I just knew the author of 'Reflections' would notice the reflection in the photo! Thanks for noticing it. I was sitting in the upper deck of a bus when I took the photo on an overcast day and the reflection of the buildings behind me were captured in the window of the bus. I really liked the effect so I kept it.

    Sorry for the really long answer to your comments, and cheers to each one of you,


  4. Beautiful. We visited Dublin in September 2010. It wasn't long enough, but it was a beautiful time of the year.

  5. Hi Kathy,

    Thanks for your comment; it's much appreciated. I too love Dublin in September.


  6. Great pics! I especially like the old stone place in Stoneybatter with the bricks in the road.


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