Tuesday, January 31, 2012

Tuesday's Tips: Going to the bookshelf to find family history

Today I am going to my bookshelf in order to suggest books which you may find useful in learning about the history of this time, and your family's connection to it. There is an ever increasing body of work about this period in Irish history. If you want to find the books in a library near you, then go to World Cat (i.e. World Catalogue), fill in the details of your location, and it will tell you which libraries closest to you have copies of these books.  All of these books are also available for purchase online.  If your local library doesn't own a copy, consider donating one of the books in your family's name.

You will find many texts which focus on the significant figures of the period; however, texts which focus on leaders such as Eamon DeValera and Michael Collins often do not pay much attention to less well known individuals, those we might call the 'rank and file' members, those whom we might find on our own family trees.

As we near the 100th anniversary of the 1916 Easter Rising, we are beginning to see the appearance of many more books focussed on the experiences of the lesser known individuals.  Here are three of my favourites which may be helpful to you.

The 1916 Easter Rebellion Handbook

This book is an essential part of any library of modern Irish history.  First published in 1916 by the Irish Times newspaper, and now offered in a new edition, this book contains eyewitness reports about the revolt and its aftermath, as well as lots of information about the Irish rebels and the British forces who took part in the action.

For family history research purposes some of the best parts of this book are as follows:
1]  The official lists of prisoners deported and released, including address details and dates of release.
2]  Official lists of casualties including members of the British military, Royal Irish Constabulary, Dublin Metropolitan Police, and Irish Volunteers.
3]  A full list of the premises that were damaged during the Rebellion.

Dublin in Rebellion: A Directory 1913-1923

Author Joseph E.A. Connell Jr. consulted a wide variety of sources to create this comprehensive directory of a decade of upheaval in Dublin.  The book lists historic locations in Dublin on a street by street basis, describing events beginning with the 1913 Lockout through to the end of the Irish Civil War, and including details about who was there and what they did.  It also includes details about important sites outside of Dublin.  Some of the information in the appendices of this book overlap what appears in The 1916 Rebellion Handbook, but overall it is well worth consulting.

No Ordinary Women: Irish Female Activists in the Revolutionary years 1900-1923

This extraordinary text, by author Sinéad McCoole, goes beyond the mainstream histories of Irish women activists such as Maud Gonne and Countess Markievicz.  It uncovers hidden stories of many women from all over Ireland, who participated in the fight to free the land they loved.

In addition to the inclusion of the biographies of seventy-three activists, this book is filled with images of personal possessions, as well as photographs from family albums, and illustrations from autograph books the women kept while they were interned.

For family history research purposes you may find female family members in the prisoner lists:
1]  The listing of those women imprisoned after the 1916 Easter Rising.
2]  A previously unpublished listing of over 500 women who were arrested during the Irish Civil War, including address details.

I hope you find these books useful in your search for the history of Irish ancestors who may have played a part in freeing Ireland from British rule.

As always, good luck with your research!



Tuesday, January 17, 2012

What is the legacy of a People?

LEGACY: legacy |ˈlegəsē|: noun ( pl. -cies)
• a thing handed down by a predecessor. Origin: late Middle English; from Old French legacie, from medieval Latin legatia ‘legateship,’ from legatus ‘person delegated’.

In the Oxford English dictionary, standing apart from the pronunciation and etymology of the word 'legacy', is a very simple and succinct definition, "a thing handed down by a predecessor".   I think it's safe to assume that many people would say a legacy is a positive thing; however, what happens when a legacy is not a good thing?  What happens when you inherit something which is socially unpalatable?  What if the legacy of the people from whom you descend is not a legacy at all, but is a stereotype which does not touch your life, although many people assume it does?  What if your assumed legacy is alcoholism?

I am Irish, and so this legacy comes to me.

Recently, I had to have a mammogram re-check. Anyone who has had mammogram associated 'issues' will relate, without me getting into any of the ugly details. The radiologist asked about my family background, and if there is a family history of breast cancer. I laughed nervously and answered quite honestly, "I don't know. I'm Irish and in my experience Irish families don't really discuss such matters".  I answered in this way because, in my experience, Irish families don't.  Some members of our Irish family seem to use a sort of code when talking about illness, referring to serious diseases using phrases such as 'the illness'. When my father died of lung cancer, a few members of our family referred to the cancer 'your dad's misfortune' or even the 'C word'. 

The radiologist laughed when I said this and came back with a response I've heard too many times before. "Oh, come on", she said, "not even when they've had one too many beers at the pub?". Immediately I recognized an unmistakeable edge in my tone when I explained to her that, other than me, no one in my family drinks alcohol. My mother simply isn't interested; my elder brother tried alcohol when he was seventeen, and disliked it so much he never had it again. Occasionally I enjoy good red wine, and yes I might even have a half-pint or two of Guinness when I'm in Ireland. Seemingly incredulous she said, "Really? No one else in your family drinks?". It is clear that she does not believe me, and in truth it doesn't really matter what I say, because she has already decided who we are based on one word, IRISH.

I am Irish, and so this legacy comes to me.

A friend of mine is a psychiatrist.  He calls alcoholism 'The Irish Disease'.  Once, I asked him if he ever had an Irish patient who was an alcoholic. He said he didn't recall any Irish patients, but certainly did deal with people from Scotland and England who were alcoholics. He then explained that 'everyone knows' alcoholism is the Irish disease.  I expressed surprise at the fact that he knows 'everyone', and then very sarcastically explained that, even assuming his contention might very well be true, the Scottish and the English are different ethnic groups from the Irish. Well from 'THAT' area of the world was his less than brilliant comeback.

The nation of Ireland has produced some of the greatest minds on the planet in the realms of literature and political philosophy, but it appears as though, at times, this is easily forgotten. The 'drunken Paddy' is always remembered.

I am Irish, and so this legacy comes to me.

A stereotype often emerges out of a given group because it fits some of the members of that group, of that there can be no doubt; however, just because a stereotype exists, does that mean we all fit into it?

Think about every colonized race of people in history and the stereotypes which were perpetuated about them.  Think about the stereotypes associated with the people from whom you descend.

'Alcoholic', 'Lazy bum', 'Cheapskate', 'Shylock', 'Welfare Queen'?

Does the stereotype fit someone in your family tree?  Perhaps it does, but does that mean that's all there is to the whole person, or to the whole ethic group?  NO.  Human beings are not two dimensional figures, neither all saint nor all sinner. No matter how simple a life we may lead, we are complex individuals.  Each of us has both good qualities and bad, no matter what our country of origin.

My interest lies in uncovering all dimensions of the individuals in my family tree, within the stories of their lives.  If alcoholism is part of the story, then certainly I acknowledge it; however, falling prey to the temptation to slot all individuals into stereotypes is just not that interesting to me.


Monday, January 16, 2012

52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy: Free Online Sources for Irish Family History and Genealogy

Despite budgetary constraints amid the financial meltdown that still plagues the island of my ancestors, when it comes to Irish genealogy sources available online, there is an ongoing effort to make available as many family history and genealogy resources as possible, and all FREE of charge.

A sincere THANK YOU must go out both to individuals and to organizations who are working their fingers to the bone to provide an abundance of free resources for online researchers.

The Finding Irish Family: Research Aids page of this blog has a long list of resources, both free and paid, available for Irish family history research.  With a tip of my hat and a thank you to Amy Coffin for creating the blogging meme 52 Weeks of Abundant Genealogy, I would like to put the spotlight on some of those online sources which can be accessed for free. There are many others, so be sure to have a look at the research aids page.

Click on the blue links to access websites and pages.

1. 1901/1911 Irish Census - The National Archives of Ireland

Ever since parts of these census documents were first posted on their website years ago, the NAI have worked hard to update and improve this site.  Not only can you view all of the information available from these census records, but you can view the original census documents, and all for free.

All thirty-two counties on the island are included.  The census can not only be searched by surname but also by religion, occupation, relationship to the head of the family, literacy status, county or country of origin, Irish language proficiency, specified illnesses, and child survival information.   They have accounted for almost any search term you might think of.  As stated on the site, "you can now search for female married teachers in County Cork, or how many people spoke Irish in Ballyshannon, or how many Presbyterians there were in Roscommon".

Also visit the NAI Genealogy advice page on which they have their own long list of Irish genealogy websites, some of which are free.

Also be sure to connect with county hubs such as The Wexford County Hub, on which you can learn about the history of the area. Follow this link for an article about the Wexford workhouse, an article which provides some very interesting information and features some great images too.

2. The National Library of Ireland Digital Photograph Database

Through the NLI's free online photograph database, you can view over 33,000 photographs from the collections of some of Ireland's most respected photographers of history.  Browse the collections of the Keogh Brothers, A. H. Poole, and others who used the medium of photography, beginning as early as 1860, to visually record the history of the land and its people.

3. Are you just beginning your Irish family history research, and need advice about Irish records? Take a look at the NLI's Family History introduction, and download the PDF which outlines resources available, and includes need to know addresses.

4.  Ireland Genealogy Projects Archives

As the name suggests this is a project, so the work is ongoing, and regularly updated.  Check this site often for updates.  All thirty-two counties on the entire island are included.  Some counties have more information posted than others.  In particular, the work done by those focussed on County Dublin is excellent.  Special mention has to go to Yvonne Russell and Joyce Tunstead who have done a spectacular job posting hundreds of headstone photographs and transcriptions.

5. Irish Genealogy

If you have ancestors who were hatched, matched or dispatched in County Carlow, County Dublin, County Kerry, or the Diocese of Cork & Ross, then you will want to search the church records on the Irish government website called 'Irish Genealogy'.  They are currently working on adding County Monaghan, Diocese of Clogher.  Although the site is slow to update, there are over three million records here, all available to view for free, and most include images of the original parish registers.

6. Cyndi's List

Cyndi has done an outstanding job bringing together over 3800 links across 32 categories for research, both free and paid, in the area of Ireland, and the United Kingdom.  Ireland has been a Free State only since 1922, and a Republic with no political ties to Britain since 1949, meaning some information applicable to your Irish ancestors may likely be found in British resources, so make sure to check them out as well.

As always, Happy Researching!



Thursday, January 5, 2012

Dublin Streetscapes

Okay, I admit it, I'm a gawker.  I love to look at places, and at people and things that pass by, especially in Dublin.  I don't know what it is about the place, but it seems so full of possibility that I just have to drink in every sight.  Guess I'm back to the little sponge allusion again.  Also, I like the idea of travelling along the same streets my ancestors once walked.  Here are a few Dublin City streetscapes that I captured in September.  I hope you enjoy them.

Looking back at Christchurch Cathedral.
Where Leinster Street meets Parliament.
Through the gate on Marlborough Street.
Off North Brunswick Street in Stoneybatter.
As Dame Street turns into Cork Hill.
Looking toward the Wellington Monument in Phoenix Park.

Click on photographs to view larger version.
All photographs Copyright©irisheyesjg2012. All Rights Reserved.

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

'A change is as good as a rest'

Once again I am quoting my dad in the title of this post, 'a change is as good as a rest'.  I've decided to refresh the look of 'On a flesh and bone foundation': an Irish History.  Over the last month I have wrestled with the idea of not only changing the background, but changing the title of this blog as well. However, after talking to a friend about it, I decided that the title is what it is because of the meaning behind it.  My friend asked me why my blog has the title it does, and in order to answer her I had to cast my thoughts way back to the beginning of this blog.

I am very blessed to have my wonderful family members in Australia, England, and The United States of America, but the fact is that my family history, at its foundation, is essentially an Irish family history. My mother, my father, and my brother are all Irish born, and in the many generations back from them our family members were born, lived and died in Ireland.   Although I am first generation Canadian, I hold Irish Citizenship and travel on an Irish passport.  In the west country of Ireland, our paternal name can be traced back to the 8th century.

We are Irish to our very core, and that was what inspired the title of this blog, 'On a flesh and bone foundation': An Irish History.  Although I have been composing basic family trees and doing some family history research since I was about 15 years old, for me building on the foundation of my family began in earnest after the death of my dad.  The drive to rediscover the history of our family pushed my research further than ever before.  There is something about getting a sense of the mortality of family members that brings such research into sharp focus.

Along the way, with respect to the title of this blog, I have encountered what was probably inevitable, given the inclusion of the words 'flesh' and 'bone', and I have at times regretted the title; however, the fact is the title still fits.  The 'bones' of this story are the documents, the official records of birth, marriage, death, and so on, which stand as proof of my connection to my ancestors.  The 'flesh' is the stories of my ancestors, the glorious and the ignoble, the joyous and the heartbreaking, all of the times which fill out the skeleton of a life.