Wednesday, November 16, 2011

Wordless Wednesday, almost: Wild about Wilde

“I have nothing to declare except my genius.” — Oscar Wilde

Oscar Wilde is my favourite 19th century dramatist and wit, and since I'm wild about Wilde (sorry about that one), here are some pics of his Dublin family home, and the 'statue' erected to him which stands in Merrion Square.  There are two obelisks directly across the path from 'him' which are covered with witticisms famously attributed to Wilde, some of which I've included in the body of this post.  Enjoy!

1 Merrion Square, home of the Wildes from 1855 until 1878.  Now the Irish American University.
“There is no sin except stupidity.”

“I always pass on good advice.  It is the only thing to do with it.  It is never any use to oneself.”

“The truth is rarely pure and never simple.”

“We are all in the gutter, but some of us are looking at the stars.”

“Who, being loved, is poor?”

“There is only one thing in the world worse than being talked about, and that is not being talked about.”

Visit: 'Over thy dead body': to view the Wilde 'Family' Tomb in Mount Jerome Cemetery Dublin.
*Click on photographs to view larger version.
All photographs Copyright©J.Geraghty-Gorman 2011.


  1. For some reason, when I read this post it was the sculpture of the woman. I kept coming back to it. Beautiful and powerful!

  2. Again, STUNNING! Love the whimsy of his statue in repose on that boulder. Tis all YUMMY!!

  3. Hi Kathy and Hi Carol,

    Thanks very much for your comments; I really appreciate them.

    Kathy, I also feel very drawn to her statue, especially those sad eyes.

    Carol, I agree, he looks very relaxed. Lots of people climb up next to him and recline to have their photos taken. (not me yet) :):)

    Cheers to you both,


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