Friday, August 12, 2011

Packing my bags and heading 'home'

As I prepare for my annual research trip to Ireland, things have been a bit "off" lately in terms of blogging on a regular basis.  I have not been posting as much as usual, due to the amount of work I have been doing in preparation for my trip. Also I have been taking time to reflect on my work as an historian, thinking about where I am and where I want to be.

Each year a research trip for me means a combination of family history research and research for my work as an historian.  Given that there are only 24 hours in a day, and I really do need to sleep for at least a few of those hours, something's got to give, and unfortunately that may mean blogging suffers.


I hope you'll be patient with me.  My plan is to return with a lot of great discoveries, both in terms of family history and Irish history, and hopefully a lot of photographs to go along with those discoveries.  This time around, in addition to research in the usual Irish haunts, I will be going over to London and the National Archives U.K..  They have approximately 25 boxes of files with material which is applicable to my history work, and which I am hoping contain at least a few wonderful finds.  Fingers crossed.

In Ireland, at times, I will be away from the capital of Dublin, and so I am uncertain of my ability to regularly access internet connectivity. In the past this has proved to be an interesting challenge in some of the less populated areas of the country.  I will try my best to post when I am in Dublin.  I will be returning home the third week of September, sleeping off the jet lag, and then putting my nose to the grindstone in terms of getting back to work, and getting back to blogging.

On 19 October, through Legacy Family Tree, I will be presenting a webinar entitled,

'Ah hold your whisht, and tell me the true story': Uncovering Your Irish Family History.

If you are interested in Irish family history research, I hope that you will join me for it.

As always, I wish you much good luck with your own family history research.

Until we 'meet' again,



  1. Travel safe, especially when you're in London. Things are settled there right now but that whole uneasy silence they were talking about on the news yesterday makes it sound like the trouble is not over.
    And have fun too :-)

  2. Hi Charlene,

    Thanks for your good wishes. I'll bring my 'tough broad' personality with me if needs be, and I will have fun too.


  3. Be safe and my wishes for success go with you too. Sounds so wonderful. Looking forward to seeing Ireland and your research through your eyes. : )

  4. Hi Hummer,

    Thank you so much for your warm wishes. I hope I find lots to share.


  5. All the best Jenn, take care of yourself. We look forward to anything you have to post and to have you back safe and sound!


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