Tuesday, June 21, 2011

Tuesday's Tip: Irish Records Updates on 'Finding Family: Research Aids' page

On this Tuesday's Tip I am passing along updates for sites I have listed on my page "Finding Family: Research Aids", as well as additions to the page itself. I add to this page anytime I find a site that proves to be helpful.

Cheers and Happy Hunting to you!


New portal website for finding search accessible archival collections:

The Irish Archives Resource (IAR) is a web portal that enables researchers to search for publicly accessible archival collections that are located in Ireland. The IAR is funded by the Heritage Council of Ireland and is supported by the Archives and Records Association (Ireland). This portal is useful now, depending on your research interests, and with the possibility of future institutional partnerships, it holds the promise of growing into a far reaching and valuable resource.

They describe it as follows:

"The IAR consists of an online database which provides searchable archival descriptions that are created in accordance with national archival guidelines and international archival standards. Web links from each descriptive entry lead to repository home pages, detailed item level finding aids, databases, or digital objects.

The purpose of the IAR Portal is to:
  • Allow users to locate archival collections that are relevant to their research.
  • Stimulate the increased use of archival collections across the whole of Ireland by directing researchers to the relevant repositories/archives services.
  • Encourage the development and publication of comprehensive, standardised archival descriptions.
  • Facilitate access to documents/items by linking to detailed finding aids/descriptive lists, web pages, or digital objects, that are held, for example, on the web site of each repository/archives service."

Link to the site here: http://www.iar.ie/AboutUs.html


Irish Family History Foundation: Wicklow Church Marriage Records

The IFHF is pleased to announce the online addition of 95,000 church marriage records from the Wicklow Family History Centre for Roman Catholic and Church of Ireland parishes in Co. Wicklow. See the Wicklow Sources List for full details.

Use this link and login using your existing IFHF login details.


Ancestry Ireland (Ulster Historical Foundation)"Explore Ulster's History and Genealogy":

These records are not just limited to the modern day state of Northern Ireland, but cover the Province of Ulster, including areas which are not part of Northern Ireland.

Here is a full listing of all that they have in their database, including newly added records:



I've added a link to the Irish cemetery pages at Interment.net. Despite the fact that it's a bit of an eyesore, I've also added a 'Find A Grave' customized search box for graves in Ireland.

Interment.net: Ireland and Northern Ireland pages:


Find A Grave: Irish Cemeteries:

See 'Find A Grave' customized search box on 'Finding Family: Research Aids' page.


The National Library of Ireland Digital Photographic: You don't have to pay Ancestry.com in order to view photographs from the National Library Digital Photographic Archive. Just click on the link below, which I've added to my research page, and you will be able to access over 33,000 digital images, including those from the collections of Lawrence, the Keogh Brothers, and the Irish Independent newspaper.

National Library of Ireland Digital Photographic Archive


Copyright© J.Geraghty-Gorman 2011.
Thanks to The Graphics Fairy for the great graphic.

1 comment:

  1. Greetings from Southern California

    I added myself to follow your blog. I invite you to visit TOGB and become a follower, if you want too.

    Take care and have a nice day :-)


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Cheers, Jennifer