Sunday, April 15, 2012

Your Irish ancestors and The Titanic

Headline from The Cork Examiner Newspaper,  Tuesday 16 April 1912, page 5.
Today, Sunday 15 April 2012, is the 100th anniversary of the foundering and sinking of the luxury ocean liner Titanic. Built in the Harland and Wolff shipyards of Belfast, Northern Ireland, to the exacting specifications of the Oceanic Steam Navigation Company, better known as The White Star Line, the magnificent ship was widely believed to be unsinkable. Of course, now we know the end of that story.

Did any of your Irish ancestors perish onboard the Titanic? Was he one of five Irishmen to die during the construction of the ship?  Did a member of your family thankfully miss the boat?  Click on the blue link below to search a PDF document on which I have compiled a list which bears the names, and other pertinent information (town, County, etc.), of those Irish citizens, both passengers and crew members, who lost their lives in the sinking of the Titanic.  I have also included the names, ages, and job titles of those who died in the Belfast shipyard during construction of the Titanic.  The last list provides details of those twelve Irish ticketed passengers who for unknown reasons failed to board the ship at her last port of call, Queenstown (Cobh), Ireland.

Irish Lost on the Titanic, those killed in the shipyard, and those who never boarded

This file consists of four alphabetical lists as follows:

Irish born passengers who lost their lives in the sinking of the Titanic, 15 April 1912
Irish born crew members who lost their lives in the sinking of the Titanic, 15 April 1912
Irish persons killed during construction of the Titanic
Irish ticketed passengers who were scheduled to board at Queenstown (Cobh), but did not.

All persons included in the lists were Irish born. All of the locations given are locations of birth; the person indicated may have had an address outside of Ireland at the time of his/her death.



Encyclopedia Titanica
Molony, Senan. The Irish Aboard Titanic, Mercier Press, 2001.


1 comment:

  1. A great resource! I was going to say I wish I had ancestors on the Titanic, but then realized how odd it sounds. Thanks for creating this.


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