Saturday, January 8, 2011

Ancestor Approved: Thank You for the lovely surprise

To put it mildly, I have felt less than great over the last few days. Maybe it's that big let down that happens after all the mad rush to get ready for hosting over the holidays. When you know you don't have to prepare anything for anyone, then maybe your body takes over and says, "okay it's time to get sick".


This morning, still not feeling 100%, I received a message from Jo at Images Past awarding this blog the Ancestor Approved Award, a lovely surprise. Thank You very much Jo. Back in April Carol at Reflections From the Fence and Sharon at Kindred Footprints recognized this blog with the award, and I am very grateful to receive it once again.

My list of ten lessons learned needs a little tweaking, so I ask that you allow me a little time to get that done, and to pass the award along. The old saying "the spirit is willing, but the flesh is weak" seems most fitting at this time; however, the spirit of gratitude is alive and feeling very well, and I thank you so very much.



  1. Congratulations an award you richly deserve.

  2. Sorry to hear you are under the weather, get well soon. Congrats on being recognized as an Ancestor Approved blogger!

  3. Congratulations!!

    All the best, hope you feel better soon.


  4. Hi Linda, Carol, and Sangita,

    Thanks so much for your good wishes. Cheers! Jennifer


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Cheers, Jennifer