Tuesday, October 5, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday: Overrun by Mother Nature, St. Colmcille's Churchyard, Swords, Fingal, County Dublin, Ireland

The cemetery is a perfect place for nature to clearly remind us of who is in charge.

The stone reads:
Erected By
Patrick Carey of Baskin hill
in memory of his beloved son
Patrick Carey
who died March 19th 1879 aged 30 years 

Another Kettle ancestor

Nature has wiped away all signs of script on this cross

The stone is at the center of this bushy area with ivy completely covering it.  None of the script remains.

Headstone of the Philips Family, 1862

All Photographs ©Copyright J. Geraghty-Gorman

1 comment:

  1. Hmmm, maybe we shouldn't plant trees next to our stones after all. I have seen this many times also. I guess folks aren't thinking about it at the time. The very top photo, do you suppose the tree was planted sometime around the time the stone was put there...off to the side? I wonder, how old that tree really is.


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