Friday, August 6, 2010

Fizzy Friday: Neopolitan Fizzy Floats

At times it seems as though family history research involves far too much gloom, doom, death and despair.


In addition to my Follow Friday post, I've decided to launch a new idea today. Posts on Fridays are going to be about a little levity, silliness, and comic relief. Surely it's okay to be silly one day a week.

I'm going to call it Fizzy Friday. This name fits because it reminds me of silliness on very hot summer days when I was a kid. When my Mom was at home, instead of at work, she would make us wonderfully delicious Fizzy Floats. I LOVED THEM! They were made of a very simple combination of Neopolitan ice cream (strawberry, vanilla, and chocolate) and 7-Up. Sometimes we'd get silly and experiment with different flavours of soda, such as orange, lime, root beer, cream soda, or any combination thereof. The classic combo of just 7-Up and ice cream was always my favourite.

Mom bought tall soda glasses and bendy straws, so that we would feel like we were at the Stoney Creek Dairy when we were drinking them. Often she would buy a couple of large bricks of Neopolitan ice cream and make floats for all of the kids in the neighbourhood. It was silly and fun; it was great! Thanks Mom! Here's to Fizzy Fridays.

1 comment:

  1. Help! I'm stuck in an office without access to Fizzy Floats! What a great post, I can picture the float in my mind (and with bendy straws -- bonus!); what a refreshing thought on a warm summer day.


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