Friday, July 9, 2010

Eyes shining bright...

Hi Everyone,

Just a brief note to update all of you on the state of my eyesight. I had the procedure on Monday afternoon 5 July, and everything went really well. Although I am black and blue around my eyes, feel like I was hit by a 2 x 4, and things are still a little cloudy, my doctor is very pleased both with how the procedure went and with the outcome at this point.

Once again I want to Thank You most sincerely for all of your prayers, kind thoughts, and warm wishes. Also I want to give a VERY LOUD shout out to Carol at Reflections From The Fence who must have a very BIG heart because it's so filled with warmth for anyone who needs it. Thank You so very much Carol!

It's great to be part of such a wonderful blogging community. I guess the world really is just a slightly oversized little town, and I'm so glad to be a part of it.

And, as always, I hope the sun is shining on your part of the world today.

Cheers! Jennifer


  1. That is wonderful news. Glad to hear the procedure went well. Carol is an awesome lady.

  2. What wonderful news Jennifer!

  3. Hi Hummer and Terri, Thanks. I appreciate it. Cheers! Jennifer

  4. I am thrilled to hear such a fabulous upbeat report on your surgery. I could not be happier for you.

    As far as the shout out and hummer's kind words, well, shucks gals, blush blush. Thank you.

    But, the story here is a good surgery and clear insightful days ahead! WAHHOOOOO

  5. THANK YOU CAROL! You are a fabulous woman! I think my favourite 'word' from now on will be WAHHOOOOO! Jennifer

  6. Your American Cousin Kathleen in Florida is reading your blog... I hope we can re-connect. I don't know what your diagnosis is but I am legally blind from Glaucoma which is what Anne Magee had. I am glad your surgery went well !


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Cheers, Jennifer