Friday, April 9, 2010

Thanks for all the comments; I really like hearing from you

Hi everyone, Thank You for your comments. I really like hearing from you, knowing that maybe something I've written or a photo I've posted reminds you of something in your own life. I received a comment yesterday from Greta in which she noted "such conversations are worth gold". It's too true isn't it?

It's maddening when we think about how sometimes life gets in the way of living, and we miss out on such conversations with family members. Sometimes I haven't asked questions or raised subjects in my own family because I knew I had to tread softly. Maybe it was a desire to keep the peace, not wanting to upset anyone, or as simple as not wanting to get into trouble.

My parents were part of a generation (as many of our parents were) in which, to use my mom's words, "children were seen and not heard", so talking about the past can be difficult for them. Having always been the six question kid: Who? What? Where? When? Why? How?, my inquisitiveness has made my mom uncomfortable at times in our life together. At this point I feel very grateful to my mom for her willingness to share with me, even though it's not always easy for her. The best part of this is the greater understanding of my mom that I'm gaining by talking to her about her family. I regret not having had the opportunity to have the same kind of conversations with my dad before he died.

What is that old saying?
Carpe diem quam minime credula postero: "Seize the day, trusting as little as possible in the future"

1 comment:

  1. This is also a good reminder to keep the lines open to our own children. (Of course, a lot of what my daughters hear from me is along the lines of "You know, this genealogy stuff is really interesting; you should try it." Guess I'll have to try a more subtle approach.)


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