Tuesday, April 6, 2010

10 Blogs to whom I'd like to present the Ancestor Approved Award

Here is the list of 10 blogs to whom I'd like to present the Ancestor Approved Award.
(Technical difficulties prevented me posting it sooner; my apologies)

1. The Educated Genealogist
2. Lost Family Treasures
3. Angie's Roots are Showing
4. Help! The Faerie Folk Hid My Ancestors
5. Lucie's Legacy
6. Random Relatives
7. Heritage Happens
8. Kindred Footprints
9. Cemetery Explorers
10. Small leaved Shamrock


  1. I am new to blogging and am happy I found your blog! Love reading your posts!

  2. And, thank you for the "Ancestor Approved!"

  3. Thank you so much from me and Joe who has the cemetery explorers blog I post on.


    www.homestead.com/askjeane Cemetery Photography.

  4. Thank you so very much for thinking of me and honoring me with this award! I am humbled, flattered and most appreciative of your kindness! Have a wonderful day!

  5. Thanks for presenting me with the Ancestors Approved Award for Lost Family Treasures, I really appreciate it.


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