Friday, December 31, 2010

Did you ever just wake up and realize that you're happy?

Did you ever just wake up and realize that you're happy, really truly happy?

Sometimes, in our house, it seems as though each morning the whole year through involves waking up to the alarm, jumping out of bed, rushing to get everyone ready for the day, thinking about what has to get done, where you have to go, appointments you have to keep. At times it's exhausting just thinking about it.


Perhaps it is that this holiday time of year gets one thinking fully in the gratitude mode, but a couple of days ago I awoke very early in the morning, and just laid in bed for a few minutes listening to the sounds of my husband and our dogs purring softly in their sleep, listening to the sounds outside, the morning wind whistling through the trees. I laid there and realized just how happy I feel, and how grateful I am for that happiness. This is it. This is happiness, just being here in this life with the beings who are my family, both human and canine. Happiness underlies all; no matter what challenges we may face, challenges which at times may seem daunting, happiness is still there.

As the new year begins tomorrow, I wish for all of you this same feeling, Happiness for 2011.

Cheers and love to all!
Happy New Year!


Tuesday, December 14, 2010

Tombstone Tuesday: Sir Richard Griffith, Geologist, 1784-1878

If you have ever used Griffith's Valuation to aid you in your genealogical searches in Ireland, you will want to thank one of the men entombed in this family grave, Sir Richard Griffith.

In 1827 Richard John Griffith was appointed Chief Commissioner for valuation of lands in Ireland. He published a geological map of Ireland in 1839 and, following his 1850 appointment as chairman of the Board of Works, in 1854 he conducted a valuation of Irish property in every townland and parish. This work is widely known as Griffith's Valuation. A wealth of information gleaned from this valuation was used for the purposes of taxation, determination of election franchise, and regulation of spirit licences. In 1858 in recognition of the completion of this vast and complex project, Richard Griffith was knighted. Today, the information in this survey still proves to be a valuable tool for genealogists.

*Click on photographs to view larger version.
All materials ©Copyright J.Geraghty-Gorman 2010.

Wednesday, December 1, 2010

Wordless Wednesday: Artisans and their work: Old Waterford Crystal Factory

*Click on photographs to view larger version.
All Photographs ©Copyright J.Geraghty-Gorman 2010